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Call for posters on computer architecture

Having a poster displayed at our REACH conference on computer architecture is a great opportunity to showcase your ideas, innovative approaches and successes to your peers and to industry experts.

All successful poster contributors will be invited to attend the event in London 11 - 12 November 2024 (please note delegate fees will apply). Selected submissions will be invited to present their poster during our "pitch and poster" sessions in the conference programme.

We invite those working across the computer architecture landscape to submit a proposal on one of the topic areas included in the technical scope.

Posters can report on already-published work, work-in-progress, or speculative research ideas. The committee will also be pleased to review proposals on other related topics within the computer architecture domain.

The committee will be reviewing posters in three rounds, with the deadline for each round shown below, along with the dates for which early-bird and standard conference fees will apply.

Poster submission deadline round 1 Friday, 30 August 2024 - Notifications sent 9 September
Early bird conference fee deadline 30 September 2024
Poster submission deadline round 2 Friday, 27 September 2024 – Notifications sent 7 October
Standard fee conference deadline 3 November 2024
Poster submission deadline round 3 (final) Friday, 25 October 2024 – Notifications sent 4 November
Late bookings 4 – 11 November 2024
REACH 2024 Conference Monday, 11 - Tuesday, 12 November 2024

How to submit

Once you have chosen your topic area from the conference technical scope, please follow the steps below to submit your paper.

Step 1: Register as a new user

  • Enter the online submission system
  • Click “Sign up” and enter your email address / password
  • You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to activate your account

Step 2: Submitting your poster

  • Login to the submission system
  • Once all fields are complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing your poster submission details and reference number
  • If you are submitting more than one poster, you can use the same user account
  • Done

What happens next…

  • Following the review of the posters, successful presenters will be invited to attend and display their poster at REACH 2024
  • Successful poster presenters must register to attend by Friday 4 November 2024 (delegate fees apply). The conference registration covers a maximum of one poster. 
  • Presenters should produce and bring a printed poster for display in the poster area at the conference. At least one presenter must be present at the conference or the poster will not be displayed.
  • The IET cannot meet any travelling or subsistence expenses for poster presenters, either prior to or during the conference

Personal data

Personal data will be processed by the Institution and its associated organisations for the purpose of organising your attendance at this event.

It may also be used for the promotion of other IET products and services and contacting you for market research purposes.

By providing us with your postal address, email address and telephone number you agree that we may contact you by these methods.

You can change this preference at any time by either contacting us by post, following the link on a received email or amending your preferences if you have a MyIET online account.

Technical scope

Posters can report on already-published work, work-in-progress, or speculative research ideas. We welcome contributions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Core microarchitecture including prediction, prefetching, ILP and MLP 
  • Manycore and multicore architecture, cache hierarchy optimization and coherency
  • Heterogeneous CPU architectures
  • Memory systems architecture including PIM and disaggregated memory
  • Address translation for large memory applications
  • Hardware/software co-design
  • Compile-time and dynamic analysis
  • Large-scale computing systems: energy-efficiency, fault tolerance and reliability
  • Performance modelling and simulation
  • Protection, security and integrity
  • Correctness: verification, model-checking, test generation
  • GPU architectures
  • AI architecture: on-device training and inference
  • AI accelerator interconnects
  • Non-von Neumann architecture: optical computing, quantum computing and neuromorphic computing

Poster instructions

Those selected for a poster presentation should produce and bring a printed poster for display in the poster area at the conference.

At the conference there will be a board with a poster header listing your paper number for you to display your poster on. The poster board size is portrait A0.

Velcro will be available onsite to attach your poster to the poster board.

You should clearly display the following information on your poster:

  • The title of your paper
  • The authors’ names and their affiliations
  • Your contact details (e.g. an email address) to allow delegates to follow up discussion

During the dedicated poster session(s) please be available to present your poster - this is your opportunity to share and discuss your work with other conference delegates. Timings of the poster session(s) will be available in the confeence programme.

Poster tips:

  • Your poster should consist chiefly of keywords, diagrams, photographs, etc
  • Diagrams and graphs should have clear captions
  • All text should be easy to read
  • Use colour to emphasise important features
  • All graphs and diagrams should be drawn with thick lines (preferably 1mm or more in width)
  • Handwritten text or diagrams are not recommended

We encourage you to tell your colleagues and social media followers about your poster display at REACH 2024 by sharing it on social media.

Please include the conference hashtag #REACHconference2024 when you post.