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We're currently developing the programme for the conference and will add new speakers here as soon as they are confirmed. 

Sophie Wilson CBE FRS FREng

Fellow, Broadcom
United Kingdom

Dr Kumar Appuswamy

Senior Research Scientist, IBM Research
United States of America

Steve Furber CBE

Professor Emeritus, The University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Anton Lokhmotov

Founder & CEO, KRAI
United Kingdom

Dr Zhou Hong

President of Institute of Strategic Research, Huawei
People's Republic of China

Alexandra Jimborean

Ramon y Cajal Researcher, University of Murcia

Alberto Ros

Full Professor, University of Murcia

Yungang Bao

Professor/Deputy Director of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
People's Republic of China

Dr Christos Gkantsidis

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
United Kingdom

Leonel Sousa

Professor of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa | President of INESC Lisboa

Warren East

Incoming President, The Institution of Engineering and Technology
United Kingdom

Kevin Skadron

Harry Douglas Forsyth Professor of Computer Science, University of Virginia
United States of America